Conversely AI

Author Archives: Tim Collopy

Using Generative AI to Identify & Close Agent Performance Gaps

Every sales supervisor wants to know: where are my agents excelling and where are they struggling in the sales process? While your current operations may focus on metrics like conversion rate and cost per acquisition to gauge success, achieving sales … Read More

agent sales insights

5 Ways AI Can Improve the Effectiveness of Each Sales Agent

While traditional training methods can lay a foundation, ensuring consistent and effective sales interactions presents an ongoing challenge. The transformative role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) can address key aspects of agent performance within sales centers. From pinpointing individual bottlenecks in … Read More

Insurance sales lead management

Supercharge ROI: Lead Insights and Analysis to Lower Cost Per Acquisition

Leads can be expensive.  Knowing what is driving the outcome of each call by analyzing what is being discussed from an agent and customer perspective is critical, but, unfortunately, this is often one of the most time-consuming areas in call … Read More

Visibility into Performance and Profitability: Leveraging Lead Optimization AI for Insurance Marketing Agencies

Why Does a Performance Marketing Agency Need AI for Lead Optimization? In today’s highly competitive insurance market, performance marketing organizations that sell insurance leads face numerous challenges in ensuring the quality and effectiveness of the leads they generate and distribute. … Read More

AEP, AEP compliance, AI, AI for AEP compliance, Preparing for AEP

AEP Prep: Harnessing AI for Compliance Risk Mitigation

The Medicare Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) is just around the corner. As the busy season approaches, Medicare Advantage Organizations (MAOs) must prepare not only for the increase in sales and marketing efforts but for heightened compliance expectations this year. The … Read More

conversational ai final rule cms

The Final CMS Rule: How Conversational AI Can Help Enhance Visibility Into Agent Behavior

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released its final rule for plan year 2024.  Among many other updates, it continues to provide guidance on how your agents can sell Medicare products in contact centers. Below, we highlighted some … Read More

2024 CMS proposed marketing rules

Navigate the Proposed CMS Rules For PY2024 With Conversational AI

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released proposed rules that could affect the practices your agents can sell Medicare products going forward in contact centers. We highlighted some of the areas where the deployment of an insurance-specific conversational … Read More

How Conversational AI is Radically Changing Insurance Sales in 2023

By now you have heard a lot about conversational AI and large language models like ChatGPT, but do you know just how these AI models are radically changing the Medicare Advantage sales model going into 2023? MAOs and third-party marketers … Read More

Maximize Medicare Enrollments with Personalized Nurturing

With only a few months to make the majority of enrollment sales for the year, Medicare Advantage Organizations (MAOs) have a short window to identify, nurture, and close sales.  While the annual enrollment period has always been competitive, closing and … Read More

AEP Compliance & QA Monitoring

Top 3 Medicare Compliance Challenges (+ How to Solve Them Before AEP)

The Medicare Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) is just around the corner. And as the busy season approaches, Medicare Advantage Organizations (MAOs) must prepare not only for the increase in sales and marketing efforts but for heightened compliance expectations this year.  … Read More