Conversely AI

Personalized Selling at Scale

Personalized Selling at Scale
Conversely AI uses a centralized cognitive engine that analyzes customer information, conversations, and prior engagement history to anticipate the needs and behaviors of each customer.
How It Works
Conversely AI’s technology generates lower cost per sale through a focus on the holistic journey and the strategic value of extracting and layering data to build prediction models that anticipate the right product, promotion, message, channel and even the best sales agent to nurture your leads or cross-sell your customers. The process for personalized selling at scale is implemented for the most precise and powerful personalized selling strategy, individualized based on each unique need.
Increase revenue at scale with an AI-driven sales solution.
Extract relevant conversational data (zero party)
Append with strategic third-party data
Reveal deeper insights to anticipate the right message, product, promotion, and sales agent.
Automate campaign management using personalized insights.
Dramatic lift in conversion, CX and customer LTV.
Identify Opportunity with Data Modeling
Conversely AI’s data strategy sets the foundation for developing hyper relevant and personalized communications. The process starts by extracting the value found within your own conversational data and appending in third-party data to develop a predictive model that treats Customer A uniquely different than Customer B. The result? A dramatic lift in conversions, customer experience, and lifetime value.
Zero Party Extractions
Our AI technology automatically finds and extracts relevant conversational data, such as personal insights, objections, and responses, from your multi-channel conversations.
Extracted data is appended to your existing data to hyper-personalize future outreach with accurate and current information.
3rd Party Data Appends
Strategic third-party appends are layered onto existing customer data extractions to build an even more precise and relevant outreach strategy.
Predictive Analytics Engine
Data is run through an analytics engine to provide automated predictions and confidence rankings on the best way to engage with each customer and which agent is best suited to convert. Our analytics engine ingests individual data attributes as well as historical data to determine a uniquely tailored outreach approach for each customer using confidence scoring models.
Agent Matching
Agent performance is regularly evaluated to identify patterns linking agents to customers or products. Some agents sell better to certain customer profiles or sell some products more effectively than others. The identification process not only helps to train the deficiencies but also enables advanced routing for revenue optimization by pairing the best agent to convert that customer in advance of the conversation.
Campaign Management
Arm your team with the insights and confidence scores for action, or our AI-driven campaign management system can devise automated campaigns to manage and optimize the entire customer journey lifecycle.
Continuous Optimization
Algorithms are continuously tuned as more historical data and customer attributes are collected. AI ingests these learnings overtime to institute a more relevant and personalized retention and cross-sell experience.
Deliver better outcomes with artificial intelligence that evaluates opportunities within your engagements and generates relevant outreach strategies aligned with the individual needs of your customer.


Build a powerful customer data layer with strategic use of zero party and third-party data.


Use discreet elements from prior dialogue to segment and define next best actions.


Create dynamic customer journeys that personalize creative & identify channel of choice.


Build appropriate learning database for virtual agent proficiency.

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